MENART FAIR Paris 2022

May 19  -   May 22, 2023

The leading art in the Middle East

From the beginning of the twentieth century, when a scientific look overshadowed at the visual arts in the West, The Iranians with

Constitutional Revolution were the first of the Eastern nations to implement the principles of democracy and political decision-making with engagement of the public. This acceptance of modern world also practiced by Iranian artists. Modern Iranian art has been the narrative of this great historical development so far.

In the forthcoming show, the multiplicity of artistic melodies seen, is a testament to the unremitting efforts of the artists who at the beginning of the 21st century have penetrated the major markets and art centers of the advanced world and have gained a noteworthy position. The ancient Iranian school of thought is based on the concepts that is the main challenge of the current world. Iranians valued natural elements beyond materiality. These characteristics are more centered on humanism, and the social conflicts of our contemporary history have led to more efforts in this regard. Existence of a minority of Iranian intellectual immigrants, is a proof of participation of Iranian civilization in the global culture.

Persian art, as Arthur Opham Pope recognized in the early years of the century, has three distinct aspects of art in comparison with other civilizations.

These three manifestations has been seen, based on the scientific perception, in the form of attention to geometry and mathematics from the perspective of the intrinsic structure of the universe.

Cosmology, attention to quiddity of the existence of the man in universe and place and time, and paying attention to poetry as a comprehensive way of having dialogue with the existence, are undeniable features of this art.

In a different view and with an escape from the typical framework of the pre criticism history of art, contemporary Iranian art can well be imagined in a wider range.

The establishment of university centers of art in Iran and the spread of modern art from the beginning of the twentieth century has formed a two-hundred-year history of art that offers a diverse and thought-provoking discourse in the global arena today.

Iran’s social developments imply the cultural dynamism of three thousand years among the ethnic groups and ancient climates, and shows that Iran is the only country whose linguistic evolution has not stopped and the Persian language has led into political unity of all Iranian ethnic groups for two thousand years. After the evolution and renaissance of Iranian culture, in the early years of the twentieth century, today we are witnessing the rebirth and return of artists to their classical and ancient possessions as it can be well seen in this show.

Featured artists (sorted by the last name):

- Seyed A. Shariatpanahi
- Reza  Derakshani
- Masoud Sadedin
- Mohammad H. Emad
- Ghasem Hajizadeh

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MENART FAIR Paris 2022